Trying New Shoes🐍

Mehak Khan
Oct 30, 2020



Raphael Treza explored Rajhestan and Kalbeliyas tribes. Kalbeliyas are very careful and uniqueness of their clothing, beautiful dance, celebrations of colors and the battles of pigment, night parties and consumptions of alcohol and their Nawabi Shokh(pet as a dog), play with danger (cobra and lizard) and use their venom as a medicines. In short they are the symbols of joyful anarchy.

Raphael spent his three months and enjoyed the adventurous life of Cobra gypsies. He explored that they love to try new shoes.They have not seen any tourist before but welcomed a new member(Raphael) with heart. Like they search new cobras in their tribes daily and welcome new danger without fear. They won’t compromise on their rituals, like rang punchni(celebration with colors) or shadi (marriage) and the beautiful music, nevertheless the bollywood dance. Kalbeliyas don’t crement that their loved ones are dead.

They have different talents with unique styles but the same celebrations in different ways. Seen the beautiful child in each of them who has no fear. They give equal rights to men and women.

I have learned sometimes different is better, new is beautiful, adventure is relieved, hardships are strong, stupidity leads to happiness. Try new shoes to explore the new world. Either you fit them in your style, or do it your best to take your style.



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