A Gift OverduešŸŽ

Mehak Khan
4 min readJul 31, 2020


In this dynamic life we stay occupied in our works, we thank even the individuals who simply pass a pen to us however we disregard our ever closer ones,specially the individuals who scarifies their lives for us and do everything without desire.

At the point when we are younge, we underestimate our parentsā€™ affection for us, and donā€™t value them as much as they deserve. In any case, at specific age, we understand that our parents are the greatest supporters in our lives.They happily gave up a lot of things in order to raise us in the best possible way they could.

To shape us into the amazing person we are today, our parents went through a lot of hardships, so in case we need another reason to love our parents even more,Today I need to express profound gratitude to my jannat and jannat ka darwaza(BABA+MAMA).

Appreciation notes Thank you for everything my Jannat.

I sticked these notes outside the kitchenā€™s wall,So when she move towards the kitchen in the morning she would galad to see,Thank you. I cannot think of more appropriate words to say besides those two simple, yet powerful ones. You are deserving of gratitude every single day for the way you raised your family, you maintained your grace, you balanced schedules, and you blessed others. Today and every day I am thankful for the gift you are, as a mother, friend, mentor and hero. Many people never get to meet the person they look up to but I was fortunate enough to be raised by mine.

Thank you for putting up with the selfishness that comes with teens years. Thank you for humbling yourself to put my needs above your own. Thank you for sacrificing innumerable hours to help with projects, or take care of ailments, or to simply spend an afternoon bonding with me. Thank you for constant prayers over and for me. Thank you for home-cooked meals. Thank you for new clothes when I already more than enough. Thank you for mother/daughter dates. Thank you for displaying grace in the midst of storms. Thank you for being a wife of noble character. Thank you for showing me how to be strong. Thank you for laughing with me so hard we cry. Thank you for memories I will never forget, and a legacy I will proudly carry onšŸ˜˜.

Thank you flower and letter for my BABA.

Some people donā€™t believe in heroes but they havenā€™t met my BABA, He gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.Conveying gratitude, respect and love when saying the simple words to your father goes a long way. The sacrifices they make, and the worry fathers harbor for your sake should never be allowed to go unnoticed.

This is full of simplicity,love and affection for my father.

You all shocked to see that I have not written a single word because I couldnā€™t found a word which can praise my father.Much obliged to you for giving me what difficult work is. For placing in a greater number of hours than any individual should, both at work and at home. I am honored that I generally had all that I required, thus quite a bit of what I needed. That would not have been conceivable without you. You gave me that the world doesnā€™t quit running; in any event, when you are debilitated, tired, or simply need a break. There are consistently bills to pay, occasions to put something aside for, and dreams to achieve. In the event that I realize what difficult work is, it is a direct result of you.Much thanks to you for the midnights. For conveying me from the love seat to my room when you returned home from work.Thank you for the life lessons. For every time you preached them, and I let it go in one ear and out the other. At least I remembered them when it was critical. ā€œ Never let a man rule your life.

I am speechless Baba,my words never show the sacrifies you made.

Just this last line describe you that what you are! .If not for you,I would not be where I am today. You have always shown me you care and have supported me like a pillar through everything. Thank you BABA.Love youšŸ˜




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